PDF Form Submission
Export the user-submitted registration form data in PDF format seamlessly.
Record, Share, and Export
Convert the user information submitted during registration into a PDF document for convenient storing, sharing, and downloading.

Advanced Customization
Quickly customize the PDF elements, such as paper size, font, background, orientation, and so on.

Enable/Disable PDF Attachment
Easily attach PDFs to different emails for admins and/or users. You can selectively enable or disable the attachment.

Enable Multi-Column PDF
Generate PDFs in the two-column format if the registration form has two-columns.

Choose the PDF Template
Choose a PDF template from the 3 available formats: Left Header, Center Header, and Right Header.

Hide Empty Form Fields
You can hide the empty form fields from PDF documents.

Download PDF Button Shortcode
Use a shortcode to display the ‘Download PDF’ button to logged in users.

Export PDF Document
Download PDFs for individual users through the All Users menu on your dashboard.
Create WordPress Registration Forms in Minutes.
User Registration enables you to create powerful registration forms with extensive customization options in just minutes.